Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Persuasive Letter

The topic that I decided to choose for my persuasive letter is free universal health care. After watching several documentaries about America's health care and also the health care policies of countries similiar to the US (Great Britian, France, Canada, etc.), it's a subject that I have really thought about.

That databases that I have found most of my information is CQ Researcher and EBSCO Host. While I have been finding great information on why the country would benefit from free universal health care, strategies, proposals, and comparisions to other country's, it's been hard finding a decent source of people who disagree with free universal health care. I need to change my search stragey because every result that I am getting is articles of people supporting my view. Instead of using the keywords "free universal health care" I should use, "private health care benefits" or something along those lines. Hopefully once I do that I will find more articles that disagree with my stance and I will be able to find someone I can write my letter to.